The First Generation
Date Owner Player Action
30.10.2022 22:42 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]Darkky Joined the clan
30.10.2022 00:20 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Horia Got rank 6
30.10.2022 00:19 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor Got rank 1
29.10.2022 23:48 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Johnny4488 Got rank 2
29.10.2022 23:39 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi =.LIDL.=DanieL.= Got rank 2
29.10.2022 23:38 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Horia Got rank 1
29.10.2022 23:34 [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Promoted to clan owner
29.10.2022 23:30 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Horia Got rank 6
29.10.2022 23:29 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul Horia Joined the clan
29.10.2022 23:22 Horia Horia Left the clan
29.10.2022 23:17 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor Promoted to clan owner
29.10.2022 21:49 sebarealu sebarealu Left the clan
29.10.2022 21:32 rpg2_TaxiDriver rpg2_TaxiDriver Left the clan
29.10.2022 10:34 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul .Cezar Received ClanWarn
29.10.2022 10:34 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]rpg2_HaiducuDragos Received ClanWarn